Consulting resume: 11 steps to get interviews that matter

Creating a consulting resume that lands interviews requires more than just listing job experiences. This guide breaks down an effective 11-step process to craft a standout CV. From selecting the right format to emphasising key achievements and skills, we'll show you how to showcase your expertise and increase your chances of getting noticed by top consulting firms. Ready to elevate your resume? Let's get started.

Essential sections of a consulting resume

In a good CV, some section must appear. Here are some of them.

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Contact information

The contact section is the first and most straightforward part of your consulting resume. It should be placed at the top and include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Ensure your contact details are up-to-date and professional. Avoid using nicknames or unprofessional email addresses, as these can create a poor first impression.

Work experience

The work experience section is arguably the most critical part of your consulting resume. Recruiters will scrutinize this section to assess your relevant skills and achievements. List your work experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Each entry should include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.

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Use EPIC bullet points to describe your achievements:

  • Explain the problem you faced.
  • Provide context for the actions you took.
  • Illustrate the impact of your actions.
  • Conclude with quantifiable results.

For example:

  • Led a team of five to develop a new market entry strategy, resulting in a 20% increase in client acquisition within six months.


The education section should follow your work experience. List your academic qualifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent degree. Include the institution name, degree obtained, field of study, and graduation date. If you have notable academic achievements, such as being on the Dean’s List or graduating with honors, be sure to include these.

Additional information

This section can include languages spoken, certifications, technical skills, and hobbies. While these may seem less critical, they can provide a more well-rounded view of you as a candidate. For example, proficiency in multiple languages can be a significant asset in consulting roles that require international travel or dealing with global clients. You can visit to discover more about the additional information. 

By structuring your consulting resume effectively, you can ensure that it highlights your most relevant skills and achievements, making a strong impression on recruiters.

Highlighting key skills and achievements

Quantifiable achievements are the cornerstone of a compelling consulting resume. Recruiters are looking for evidence of your impact, so it's crucial to highlight results with concrete numbers. For instance, instead of saying you "improved client satisfaction," specify that you "increased client satisfaction scores by 30% over six months." This approach not only demonstrates your ability to deliver results but also provides a clear picture of your contributions.

Highlighting relevant skills and experiences

When listing your skills, focus on those that are most relevant to consulting. These typically include problem-solving, analytical thinking, leadership, and communication skills. Use your work experience to illustrate these skills in action. For example, if you led a project team, detail how your leadership resulted in meeting tight deadlines or achieving significant milestones.

Writing an engaging executive summary

An executive summary at the top of your resume can grab a recruiter’s attention right away. This brief section should encapsulate your most impressive skills and achievements. Aim to be concise yet impactful. For example: "Experienced consultant with a proven track record in driving business growth through strategic planning and innovative problem-solving. Successfully led multiple projects resulting in a 25% increase in revenue."

Using EPIC bullet points

EPIC bullet points—Explain the problem, Provide context, Illustrate the impact, and Conclude with results—are essential for detailing your achievements. This method ensures that each bullet point is comprehensive and impactful. For example:

  • Explain: Identified inefficiencies in the client’s supply chain.
  • Provide: Implemented a new inventory management system.
  • Illustrate: Reduced excess inventory by 15%.
  • Conclude: Saved the client $200,000 annually.

By structuring your resume to highlight these key elements, you can effectively showcase your skills and achievements, making a strong impression on recruiters and increasing your chances of landing interviews at top consulting firms.

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